“Some days the Fuck Off word is just right.”

If you're not able to say "F-off" in a manner that says "Hey, I want to fuck off," then this is the ring for you. 

This custom-made sterling silver ring was made just for Sage Goddess in India and features the word “Fuck Off” in black, antique lettering.

This February Fuck Off Ring is the perfect piece for February and beyond.

What do you really want to say? Do you or don’t you care about your audience?

I'm not entirely sure, but we need more of these kinds of experiences in our lives.

This February F Off Ring is perfect for those of you who want to express yourself in situations where “normal” words just aren’t adequate enough.

Wear this powerful affirmation daily. With each passing day, you'll let go of the people, places, and situations that make you feel weighed down.


Trendolla Sterling Silver Gold Plated Fuck Off Heart Band Ring



The deeper magic of this February Fuck Off Ring

I believe in sacred adornment - in the process of choosing your jewelry with care and intention.

When we wear jewelry, we give thanks to the gods and goddesses for their blessings in providing us with our own special gifts.

Silver is a precious metal that’s widely used and respected for many purposes.

Silver is a feminine energy, and it’s particularly active when the moon is new and full.

The best defense against negative energy is an energy wall, which is a crystal designed to deflect and reflect back any negativity to its source, keeping you

Silver is a great metal for improving your health, wealth, and overall well-being.

The Fuck Off Ring is simple, sophisticated, and most importantly, bold.

You’ll feel the power of this powerful quartz crystal, whether you wear it out and about, or whenever you need to step outside the

Give this gift to a friend who could use a little push to stand up for himself.

Whether you choose to work with this offer or not, it may serve you well.


3 Actionable Tips for Wearing a Fuck off Ring

A f off ring is a type of jewelry that has a ring made from copper or brass around a silver band.

This is a powerful tool that helps you to cope better with stress, and reduces anxiety by teaching you to change your thoughts into words.

Anxiety is something that happens to us all at one point in our lives.

You wake up with a sense of dread about your day, and the rest of the day seems to unfold in slow motion.

You feel it deep in your belly. Your stomach muscles begin to clench. Your heart begins to race. And you just want to cry.

There’s a looming and impending sense of doom that’s lurking over you. You just can’t shake it off.

Would it make me feel better? Of course! There's no way anyone could feel all alone in the world.

A survey found that about 40% of adults in the US have an anxiety disorder. You don't have to be one of them!

Rather than ignoring the anxiety, it is better to admit it and deal with it so that you don't have to live with it forever.

You'll want to get past it. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating anxiety, you can seek healthier and more holistic ways to cope with it.

Here’s how:

Use a fuck off ring!

And what is a f off ring?

Stick around to find out what a fuck off ring is and how to use it to curb your anxiety.


Trendolla Sterling Silver Gold Plated Fuck Band Ring

$79.90 USD


What is a Fuck Off Ring?

Spin and worry rings are a type of band. They are usually made out of silver and have different colors that match the color of your ring.

The tradition of Tibetan prayer beads began as part of the religion of Tibet. It consists of a copper, brass, or silver ring around a silver band.

When the rings are set to ‘free’, they allow the rings to rotate freely around the ring band.

When I studied in China, they used ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices to spin cylinders that had sacred texts on them.

Meditation is believed to have many benefits. It’s also known to be a great stress reliever, help relieve bad emotions, and help clear bad energy.

Fuck off rings are fun jewelry pieces with a unique spiritual significance that brings you calmness and peace.

An important aspect of the Ring is that it's pretty and brings the wearer to the present moment, so they're less stressed, and more in the moment.


What finger do you wear a fuck off ring?

No ring looks good on anyone.

It’s totally up to you how you want to use a ring, but it’s good to remember that you shouldn’t use it if you don’t feel comfortable wearing it.

Most of us find it easier to wear a ring with our dominant hand. If you don't have a preference, you can wear it in any hand.

If this is what you do, it’s a good idea to have a variety of fuck off rings.


How does a fuck off ring work?

Fuck-off rings have magical powers.

But, it’s a healthy way to deal with your anxiety.

When you’re anxious, anxiety may manifest itself as biting your nails, twiddling your necklaces and bracelets, or fidgeting.

So, how do you use a "fuck off" ring to curb anxiety?

A ring can be an effective tool to deal with anxiety, as long as you learn to use it well.

A stress reliever that will help you with anxiety is twisting motion.

When you're feeling anxious about something, wear a Fuck Off Ring to help calm yourself down.

Fuck off rings aren't to be messed with, but spinning the worry ring is a less obvious way to curb your anxiety without fidgeting.

If you find yourself twiddling, fidgeting, or worrying, that is the perfect time to do a fidget-off.

Using spin rings to trade one set of fiddling behaviors for another is an effective way to calm down.

Some people find they can use a stress ball to relieve stress and tension.


Trendolla Sterling Silver Fuck Off Band Ring



Tips for wearing a fuck off ring

When you purchase a fuck off ring for your anxiety, you should keep these tips in mind.

1. Find the correct fuck off ring size

Find a ring that is the right size. Make sure the fuck off ring you choose is comfortable and should fit your finger snugly. The ring should not be too tight or too loose.

2. Determine what you want to achieve

Before you decide to meditate using your spinner ring, determine why and what you would like to achieve after the session. For some, calm and quiet is the goal, for others, affirmations, and for others to manage their anxiety and panic attacks.

3. Find a calm environment

Find a quiet environment where you can relax without interruption.

It's up to you to choose where you want to relax. There are many places you can relax, including parks, quiet rooms, and even your backyard.

You can also light a candle and incense for more concentration.

Take three deep breaths.

Focus on the spin of the ring and you’ll relax more.

When you are done and in a calmer state of mind, relax your arms and hands Let your arms fall out to your sides and then let your hands, fingers and wrists release from your chest Continue to move your hands around as you relax your head and neck.


It’s OK to acknowledge your anxiety attacks, accept them and let them go.

Bottling up your feelings will only cause stress and stress will have devastating physical effects on your body.

Deep breathing and thinking positive thoughts can help you overcome the things that make you anxious.

Do not focus on intrusive thoughts while in the ring. Ignore them until you feel calm.



Fuck off rings are often used for calming anxiety. Nowadays, fuck off rings can be used for holistic purposes to calm the mind and relieve stress and tension during anxiety.

Fuck off rings are used for calming anxiety.

Nowadays, fuck off rings can be used for more than just casual purposes.

An anxiety attack comes on unexpectedly. If you're anxious and start to twirl the ring on your finger, this might relieve the stress, so you can

Fuck off rings are all the rage and they’re fun, too.


November 29, 2022 — Chloe Palin

We design for life, create for the world.

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